Global cooperation to prevent the spread of pandemic disease can promote public health. 全球合作预防疾病蔓延也有助于促进公共健康。
The severity of a pandemic has to do with when people get infected, how often are they going to develop really severe disease. 疫情的严重性是指,当人们染病的时候,在多达程度上经常会发展成真正严重的疾病。
I fear I may find myself amid the debris of an earthquake one day. Or some pandemic disease may break out in a heavily polluted area. 我害怕有一天自己会被埋在地震的残骸中;或有朝一日,某种流行病会在污染严重的地区爆发。
But her reassurances clash with a widely held public understanding of a pandemic as the spread of a serious infectious disease. 但她的辩护与公众将流行病视为严重传染病传播的普遍理解相悖。
Instead, we must contend with a host of global phenomena: the spread of nuclear materials and weapons, terrorism, pandemic disease, climate change and economic protectionism. 相反,我们必须对付众多全球性现象:核材料与核武器的扩散,恐怖主义,大范围流行病,气候变化以及经济保护主义。
The H1N1 influenza virus, which caused the2009 pandemic, continues to circulate in some parts of the world, causing variable levels of disease and outbreaks. H1N1流感病毒引起了2009年流感大流行,该病毒会继续在世界上的一些地区传播,造成不同程度的发病和疫情。
Let me mention some: AIDS, pandemic influenza, a new disease like SARS, or bioterrorism using a virus like smallpox. 我谨提及其中一些:艾滋病、大流行性流感、严重急性呼吸道综合征这样的新疾病,或者利用天花等病毒的生物恐怖主义。
We have conducted training on animal health and vaccination and response to pandemic disease. 我们举办了有关动物卫生和疫苗接种以及应对流行病等方面的培训。
Asthma and other forms of respiratory disease have been consistently reported as underlying conditions associated with an augmented risk of severe pandemic disease in several countries. 若干国家一致报告,原先患有哮喘和其它形式的呼吸道疾病会增加感染严重大流行性流感的风险。
They must deal with what economists call cross-border externalities, of which greenhouse gas emissions and the threat of pandemic disease are the best known examples. 他们必须应对经济学家所谓的跨境外部因素&其中最著名的例子就是温室气体排放和大规模流行病的威胁。
W.H.O.Director-General Margaret Chan declared the sickness a pandemic – a disease that has spread to many nations. 世界卫生组织总干事MargaretChan宣布H1N1病毒是一种流行性疾病,已经传播到很多国家。
During the post-peak period, pandemic disease levels in most countries with adequate surveillance will have dropped below peak observed levels. 在高峰后期间,在有适当监督的大多数国家,大流行性疾病水平将降低到可观察的高峰水平之下。
Many reports about the A ( H1N1) flu pandemic have failed to compare the disease's death toll with others that may have more of an impact. 许多关于甲型H1N1流感的报道没能比较该病的死亡人数与其他可能具有更大影响的疾病的死亡人数。
Survey of system Ability to Cope with Influenza Pandemic for Disease Control and Prevention in Anhui Province-Management and Use of Influenza Vaccine 安徽省疾控系统流感疫苗管理和使用现况调查
According to experts, a leprosy pandemic or high numbers of leprosy-related deaths likely will not occur because the disease can be treated with antibiotics that are provided at no cost by Novartis. 专家说,因为有诺华公司免费提供的抗生素用于治疗麻风病,所以没有发生全国流行麻风病和大量患者因麻风病死亡的情况。
WHO has consistently stressed that the pandemic was of "moderate severity," she said, while warning that the virus caused unusually severe disease in some pregnant women and young adults. 虽然世界卫生组织警告人们该病毒会在一些孕妇和年轻人群中引发严重疾病,但是我们一直强调全球性流感是“中等严重”,她说。
At the start of the pandemic, data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention ( USA) showed that the new virus was sensitive to oseltamivir and zanamivir. 在大流行开始时,美国疾病预防控制中心的资料显示,此新病毒对奥斯他韦和扎那米韦具有敏感性。
But, as the A ( H1N1) pandemic gradually declines, new strains are likely to replace it, the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control has warned. 但是欧洲疾病预防与控制中心本月早些时候(1月8日)警告说,随着甲型H1N1流感大流行逐渐消退,新的毒株很可能取而代之。
The drill began Friday and involved a simulated outbreak of a pandemic of the disease. 演习从星期五开始到星期天结束。这次演习模拟禽流感的大规模爆发。
By vaccinating eggs against influenza, we could protect wild bird species as well as domestic chickens against pandemic flu strains, limiting the spread of disease to humans. 通过给未孵化的卵接种预防流感病毒,我们可以预防野生鸟类和家养禽类感染流感病毒株,从而限制疾病播散至人类。
Occurrence of influenza pandemic depends on the biological and social origins of the disease. During a long time from now on to future, re-emerging of influenza pandemic is inevitable. 流行性感冒(流感)大流行的发生是有其生物学和社会学基础的,从现在至未来很长的时间内,流感大流行的再现是不可避免的。
Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome ( AIDS) is a deadly pandemic disease caused by a retrovirus known as human immunodeficiency virus type 1 ( HIV-1). 获得性免疫缺陷综合症(艾滋病)是一种因感染到人类免疫缺陷病毒(HIV)而导致的传染性疾病。
Metabolic syndrome is another chronic pandemic disease, along with hypertension, diabetes, obesity and blood fat disorder. 代谢综合征已成为新世纪,继高血压、糖尿病、肥胖和血脂异常等疾病之后的又一慢性流行性疾病。
Pandemic Influenza: a time-honored disease and a great calamity to human 大流行性流感:古老的疾病,人类的灾难
In recent years, with pandemic outbreak of epidemic diseases, large-scale, timely acquiring the group body temperature is required to monitor the development of the disease. 特别是近年来众多全球性流行性疾病的肆虐,为监控病情的发展,需要大规模、及时地监测群体体温。
Hepatitis C is a global pandemic disease, and it is main cause for end-stage liver disease in America and Europe, Japan and other countries. 丙肝病人分布于全球各地,目前是欧美以及日本等国家和地区晚期肝病最主要的原因之一。